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Mental wellness and mental health are strongly connected, but when someone from my LinkedIn network posed this question, it had me thinking.

I think there is a difference between the two; for one, I think we have complete control of our wellness, mental wellness, to be precise. We have the power, but we are unaware of mental clarity, but it is easy to find daily solutions with research. Actually, most of the time, we are the ones sabotaging our mental balance.

Here are a few solutions that I would like to point out

  • The faculty of Letting go

Letting go of the things we do not have control is the key to a clearer mind. This is a dynamic action where we agree to stop controlling every activity in our life. It allows certain things to happen on its own, ceasing to hold a tight grip on life. Letting go is a result to open for life to happen and to enjoy it.

Speaking to ourselves is undoubtedly something we all do. Still here, it is about being nice to our being and finding positive messages about our physic or our brains to say out loud, daily, and without shame. Try it; you will be amazed at what it can do to your inner mood.

  • The art of doing nothing

Yes, sitting around and dazing is good for your mental health. Our brains need to disconnect from everything occasionally, so just sitting and gazing at the trees or the sky will bring a sense of harmony and release. My recommendation is to find at least 10 to 15 min a day to do that.

Conscientious breathing is incredible once we discover it. Not only it helps mentally, but it essential to our physical body. It can regulate vital organs, oxygenate the muscles deeply for better sports performance, and much more.

  • The visualization

Visualization is a bit like dreaming, imagining ourselves in a gratifying situation, accomplishing goals and aspirations. Creating a new purpose to bring hopes and desires into reality. When coupled with an affirmation: visualization is hugely successful.

The question asked in the post was about an employer supporting their employee while going through hardship at home.

In terms of the company offering support, in my opinion, they should provide mental wellness to their employees and workers. Sometimes all it is, is an ear to listen, with a few remedies. A company should not be using guilt on their people when they are entirely aware of the problem. The recommendation could be anything that one can do themselves until it is time to seek counseling.

In my opinion, the fine line between mental wellness and mental health is where the person cannot take control of their equilibrium. When all the self-care is not working, the DIY is not providing the release or the stress relief intended; it is time to use professional counseling to go into the root of the problem and give superior and more targeted answers.